A day in Europe
Tons of stories have been told about this place, likely an old calendar which gets magical during particular periods of the year
Getting to Stonehenge unfortunately is not magical as one may believe. Litteraly hundreds of people coming for several tours approach the site at aproximately the same hour, and just for half an hour or so.
The tour around the stones may be short, may be crowded, may not be as one have dreamed... however this is one of the magical places of the world and a visit is definitely worth once in a lifetime. I am now ready to say goodbye to Europe
Tanzania on the Road
When it comes to safari, Tanzania is surely one of the most interesting and stunning country in the world
Experiencing -at least- one week camping inside national parks, with direct contact with the animals, watching them surviving their days, living or dying, hunting or being hunted... these situations and feeling cannot possibly be forgotten. Among all, Ngorongoro and Serengeti nationa parks were the most impressive, because of the huge number of animals living inside, and also because of the incredible scenes we were so lucky to witness.
Marocco on the Road
Dune, monti, deserti, gole, fiumi, cascate e un popolo ospitale nel più schietto dei modi in programma che da Casablanca ci porta attraverso le splendide città imperiali di Rabat,Meknes e Fez. Il viaggio prosegue alla volta della valle del Todra senza mancare una sosta tra le due berbere del deserto di Merzouga. I Monti dell’Atlante ci accompagneranno fino a Marrakech: ultima tappa di un viaggio breve ma intensissimo.
Bar Diving
Lots of fishes of any kind surrounds us.Some of them are everuwhere and easily visible around
Some other, instead, can really efficently mimetize and really difficult to spot.
Then there is the meeting with some turtles. It is my first time and I try to behave correctly and avoid disturbing them. Finning with them for few meters makes you feel really magic
Off course, Nemo is also living there
As a first try, we are quite satisfied. Other places are waiting for more exploration, see you at next dive...
The bar of Zanzi
The beaches are stunning, water is incredibly transparent and warm enough (considering it's winter here) to enjoy a relaxing bath
There are several tiny islands surrounding the main one, a one day trip on the boat is worth even if the weather is not optimal. Beware of the crew: our sailor gets sick after few minutes....
Zanzibar is extremely affected by tides. During low tide you can almost walk on the surface. It's the best time for paying on the beach or far away in the water
Sunset is a special moment. Watching the big red ball disappearing with thousands of colours....is just magic
A kind of a miracle
Lake Natron is famous for its dawn and trekking experience. reaching the spring of a river is not always that easy
This is not gonna end well
From a lion point of view, Savana is just a huge supermarket. Attending a lion hunting is an experience you will never ever forget.
It all starts with a bunch of animals feeding.In this case Zebras. And lions love zebras...
Lions approache so slowly through the grass, that people don't even realize how and when exactly the attack takes place. A hunting can last for hours. All of a sudden, a lion appears from a bushes and jumps onto one of the Zebras - the one that is separated from the group. It is matter of few seconds: the scared animals begin to run raising lots of dust.
Behind the dust something eventually appears: the lion succeeded in grabbing the throath of the animal. It starts now an incredible struggle that lasts for less than one minute
Finally, when the zebra is exausted for not breathing and lays on the floor defeated, something really special happens: a second lion appears, and dominating the zebra, for a few seconds fiercely stares at us. She seems to proudly say: "we've done it"
As soon as the struggle is over, other lions (all female) magically appear from nowhere.
And more are about to come...
And more...
And even more...There's a lot of food to share. Generally at this stage the male appears and eats the best part of the animal. Unfortunately (for us) or Fortunately (for him), he his on the mating period and he has other issues to deal with...
As we go on inside te park, we soon realize that there are several different habitats populated by tons of animals in every corner.
When eventually we spot a leopard, we realize how easy is mimetizing for the animals. Not even the zebras, feeding few meters from his head, realize it.
We can go back home satisfied, tomorrow is another day...
Seven Seconds
The king of the forest has quite a comfortable life. He lies under the tree all day while all female lions are around for hunting. From time to time he also chooses one of the mates of his group for having sex. The approach is quite easy.
The first step is having quite a good nap, possibly under the shade of a tree.
When the female is ready, she growns a little bit communicating to the king her wishes.
If he does not wake up, she approaches and repeats the sound again
The Lion,apparently in a deep sleep, is up and ready instantly.
The act begins... end ends in a matter of seconds - seven. Eigth, at most. I would have guessed something a little bit more for the king of the forest...
They are both now (apparently) satisfied...
Besides the short performance, it is now time for a little nap. After aproximatly twenty minutes, the scene take places again. And again, and again... The couple will be having sex for a 24 hours period. So, who's the king of the forest again?
'Ngoro 'ngoro, UNESCO patrimone, is one of the biggest craters in the world. Approaching the internal part is just magic. From the above the view is breathless.
Safari Part II
Welcome to Africa
RTW trip starts from the beginning of everything: Africa. Tanzania is great for its nature and some days of Safari is a "must" activity. The first stop is in Arusha, from where our tour begins.
One Shot
It's been my only thought over the last 4 months. There is more: I've been dreaming of leaving for a RTW trip for... years. Tomorrow is the day. Technically I'll be leaving in a few hours...
Deep Blue
A Trip Around the world will be a great opportunity to visit extraordinary seasides, beaches and reefs. This is the reason I have purchased an underwater camera and done a PADI course for experiencing the deep blue... RTW trip stars in 8 days: stay tuned for incredible scuba activities...
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