Un nuovo modo di viaggiare

Organizza il viaggio


8 mesi, 4 continenti, 1 SOGNO

La storia ed il video


Luggage Evolution

Prepara la valigia perfetta




Le 7 meraviglie del mondo conquistate

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Latest News:

Fez - and surroundings - on a weekend

A weekend is Morocco is definitely not enough to understand the beauty of this place. We could only smell the magic of Fez, one of the most beautiful cities of North Africa, and its surroundings.

Tanneries, Fez

Marche on the Road

Ancona, Recanati, Loreto, Urbino... (May 2013)

Italy is full of hidden beautiful places, and one of them is the "Marche" region, in the middle-east coast of the "Peninsula".

Visited cities/places: Loreto, Recanati, Conero, Ancona, Corinaldo, Urbino, Fermignano, Cagli, Frasassi, Fabriano, ...


Romania on the road

Bucharest, Transilvania, Dracula

Romania on the Road. Ten days by car visiting Bucharest, the capital city, and several cities in Transilvania: searching for Dracula?

visited cities: Bucharest, Brasov, Peles, Sighisoara, Targu Mures, Medias, Sibiu, Alba Julia, Hunedoara, Timisoara.

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Merry Krishna: South of India

South of India is yet another paradise to discover: History, culture, religion, nature, beaches... there is just everything you can imagine

Indian Temple

Visited regions: Kerala, Tamil Nadu, karnataka

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Video Around the World

This is it
The outcome of my Round the world trip is ready: One trip, one dream, one VIDEO.

Pushing people say my name was indeed not a hard job: no-one never ever refused. Thanks to all of them that helped me with the footage and participated in the movie.

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Crossing China

Crossing China from Beijing until Guiling: a whole month of  full immersion into this extraordinary culture

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A dive in South Italy (Jun 2012)

Amalfi, and the "COSTIERA AMALFITANA", down the south of Italy

visited cities: Maiori, Minori, Atrani, Ravello, Amalfi, Posillipo, Sorrento



After publishing my RTW video several newspapers, websites, blogs and other media started to get interests on my trip and my experience. Here comes the list of published pages:

If you have any comment, suggestion, request please contact me

Best of

Selezionare in una sola pagina partendo da più di 10.000 foto non è stato un compito facile. Ma alla fine bene o male son riuscito a tirar fuori una lista dei miei migliori scatti.

Lion eating a zebra

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Questa è la lista dei posti visitati, giorno dopo giorno, nei miei 8 mesi di viaggio attorno al mondo

August 2011

      3: Arusha
      4: Tarangire: African animals
      5: Ngorongoro: the crater
      6: Serengeti: king's sex
      7: Serengeti: lion hunting...
      8: Lake Maniara: in danger of life
    • ZANZIBAR Leggi tutto...

Round The World

Non tutti i sogni diventano la realtà. In questo caso ho avuto la fortuna ed il piacere di convertire un mio grande sogno. Ho lasciato Roma il 2 agosto del 2011 con il mio zaino per tornare otto mesi dopo dopo aver fatto il giro del globo ed aver visto quattro continenti:  Africa,Asia, Australia e Sud America.

225 giorni in totale, l'esperienza "Round The World" è stata senza dubbio la più grande avventura della mia vita 

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VIDEO 8 months around the World