Crete on the Road

What a pleasent surprise! Due to COVID-19 our trip to Panama was cancelled few days before the departure.

We eventually decided to go to Crete.

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Aquitania on the Road

Visited Places/Itinerary:

  • 24-26 Dic: Bordeaux( La cité du Vin, Plac e de la Bourse, Grand Théâtre de Bordeaux, Rue Sainte-Catherine, Bordeaux Cathedral, Porte Cailhau, Notre Dame des Anges Bordeaux, Ponte di Pietra, Palais de Justice )
  • 27-28 Dic: Bordeaux( Duna di Pilat, Saint-Émilion ) Read more ...

Grecia on the Road

Visited Places: Igoumenitsa, Kalambaka (Meteore), Delfi, Athens, Korinth, Nauplia, Sparta, Calamata, Kefalonia,...

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Balcani on the Road

After so many years spending summer around the world, this year I chose a European trip with my car.  And I've discovered again the flavor of "on the road" style. 

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Barcelona, again

Coming back to Barcelona after so may years was an incredible pleasure. 

And I lose myself wandering around, walking in my memories, between years 2000 and 2010, when Barcelona used to be my second city.

 A lot has changed since my first time there. However, the magic of this city is still pulsing, and I continue to love it.

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VIDEO 8 months around the World